Congri (Moros y Cristianos)

How to make Congri (Moros y Cristianos) What is Congri? Let’s first start with how to say Congri. It’s pronounced con-gree. Now that we know how to say it, what is it? Congri is the combination of black beans and rice  made together in the same pot. When the rice is cooked it is cooked …

Cuban black beans (frijoles negros) and rice

Cuban Black Beans and Rice Traditional Cuban black beans and rice  is a staple in Cuban cuisine. Just look at any Cuban restaurant menu and you will find them.  They can be served with bistec encebollado (steak with onions), breaded steak, Cuban fried chicken, pork chops or lechon asado (Cuban roasted pork). As you can …

Chicken Fricassee

Fricase de Pollo (Chicken Fricassee)

How To Make Fricase de Pollo (Chicken Fricassee) Step into the vibrant world of Cuban cuisine with a timeless favorite—Chicken Fricassee. Embark on a culinary journey infused with rich flavors and cultural significance as we uncover the art of crafting this traditional dish. From tender chicken simmered in a savory tomato-based (sofrito) sauce to the …

Pollo asado

Pollo Asado (Baked Chicken)

How To Make Pollo Asado (Baked Chicken) Looking for a new, easy, one dish, no mess, kid friendly chicken dish? Then this recipe is for you. It checks all the boxes for a mid week meal when you just don’t want to fuss. It’s very easy to prepare in the morning and then when you’re …

Cuban Breakfast Sausage

Cuban Breakfast Recipe This isn’t your typical Cuban breakfast. A typical Cuban breakfast consists of espresso with milk (cafe con leche) with toast (pan tostado). Instead I am  about to take your taste buds on an exciting journey with this culinary creation. It’s a fusion of flavors you might not expect, bringing together the richness …